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Prologue: 2020 Psychedelic Musings


You know Iโ€™m a crazy/artist/psychic


…. so Iโ€™ve some super deep thoughts that I’d like your opinion


… itโ€™s shit u have never heard before….

Tonight’s game: Name the dumbest thing you believed in as a child…. GO!……

 -White man Jesus/Blackface Jesus/(Maybe Middle Eastern Jesus, I dunno, depends on wut the niggas talking bout)

-Church/Religious doctrines are infallible. Like spiritual texts fall from the sky, and ultimately aren’t written by flawed but inspired humans skewed by their own personal level of consciousness.

-Legality meant morality. That a white God and and White government would EVER TRULY have MY best interest at heart. That I EVER should be thankful for the enslavement of blacks for introducing us to white man Jesus so he can free us from a crime none of us EVER committed and there’s shame in accepting the alternative and radically sprinting in an completely opposite direction, and furthermore any level of anarchy is an unjust threat to a just society, and downfall isn’t needed for reconstruction purposes of an unjust white supremacist society

… Also, That nonviolent voting in rigged white political elections is the only truly dignified way to counter oppression and discrimination, and my best option is to appease my oppressors and limit my options to their standards to “fit in” and “play the game.” FUCKIN UNCLE TOM COONING HOUSE NIGGERS, ALL YALL.


As, if that’s EVER worked, like who the fuck thought that was a good idea????

So glad I ainโ€™t waste my money on college like yโ€™all did.๐Ÿ™ƒ.

Speaking of which….

-That white colleges were better than black colleges, and that I had to and expected to seek the acceptance of white institutions and intellect, like Harvard, Yale…. blah… to accredit my sheer creative brilliance or ANY of my self-worth, knowledge, wisdom, etc. For that matter.

-Trickle Down Economics. That white people hoarding resources and claiming all existence for themselves would/could EVER be in MY favor.

-White Supremacy does not exist.

-Racism is over or doesn’t exist. Everything’s equal now. Race card, race baiting exists, but white privilege doesnโ€™t. Black play victim… blah… blah… and every other black stereotype were actually just facts.

-Homophobes/Gay Bashers aren’t in fact gay themselves, as though people don’t seek to destroy in others what they aren’t allowed to be themselves, and ultimately are led by divine righteousness instead of white supremacy, fragile masculinity, and pedophilia.

*Yall really should be screenshotting, like, ALL my shit. It’s FAIRY DUST YOU FUCKS, take it and go spread dat shit!!! Let’s FLY! I’m muthafuckin Tinkerbell on u hoes! ๐Ÿค


I’m the Psychedelic Harriet Tubman. .๐Ÿ’ฏ


Just dawned on me what the subtext of white people claiming, “race card” and “race baiting” literally means:

 “Shut up Ignorant Nigger.”

It’s the idea that blacks aren’t smart enough to articulate their own experiences. (An extension of โ€œracism is over, isn’t real or doesn’t apply.โ€)

Also, that blacks perpetuate racism with the victim mentality, and therefore are inherently flawed. So yes, using “race baiter” and “race card” makes you racist because you ultimately don’t value black voices, black intellect, black concerns, black bodies, etc.

 So let it be known, that i advise u not to say that shit in my presence….๐ŸคŽ


Yโ€™all my post about โ€œrace baitingโ€ and โ€œrace cardsโ€ was shared randomly 63 times today! That’s good for me, cuz ppl like to write off my depth and perception as crazy๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฟโ€โ™‚๏ธ oh well… Yall, this revelation hit me like a ton of bricks while explaining black culture/experience to a close white friend… Anyway, the shares only mean one thing: I gave my people the ammunition, power, and self awareness that they needed.
I am humbled and honored to be chosen and used as a vessel/messenger of such an impactful and freeing message.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ˜‡

Yall, this is BIG. That message will breakdown and empower many people. It’s all because i openly embrace creativity and therefore myself as a direct extension of the divine. I been tryna teach yall, looks like some of my musings from other dimensions (multidimensional perspectives) are finally being recognized.

 Magic, yall, magic.

COVID-19/ Sociology /

So okay all you facebook conspiracy scientist:
What exactly does 5G have to do with a respiratory virus???
 Y’all remember when mobile phones first arrived and everyone freaked out about brain cancer??? History repeats itself because muthafuckas are stupid and don’t learn good. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜…

The effects of the virus is class warfare, between the haves and the have-nots.(Class is a made-up man attempt at division, but in your avg narrower scope of your typical 3-D fiscal reality- it’s treated as fact.)

Anyway, for weeks my superhero has dwelled on the societal effect of covid-19. The world was already fucked prior- so what now? How’s it changed us?? The facts are:

– 1. The true hell of our world, is when we’re not our brotherโ€™s keeper. The division is due a lack of self-knowledge and therefore an apathetic inability to connect with others.

– 2. Fuck. Now that’s magnified exponentially cuz we we’re all borderline quarantined and panicked.

– 3. Richer ppl usually white people are righteously hoarding resources at gunpoint again, like always…instead of protecting the most vulnerable (see #5)……Leopards don’t change their stripes.

– 4. Basic essentials were already scarce for poorer people, now they’re nonexistent (ie paper products, Healthcare, jobs)

– 5. Poorer people, usually minorities, have double hardship because being usually in service work must risk exposure to the virus, or financial ruin. (Triple, no healthcare)

So, the scope of these 5 points are where I’ll focus my perspective analytic psychic superhero guardian powers/clairvoyant empathy to predict the future based off atypical societal responses. Like I said, the solution is being our brother’s keeper and protecting the most vulnerable. Basically, what happens now? And how do these 5 points apply to what happens next???

Yall don’t pay me for this, and there’s no degree for being a superhero/psychic/guardian (I could create one: sociology, meditative reflection-and knowledge of self-and spirituality vs religious assumptions from seeking external validation, philosophy, heightened/sensitivity/empathy, artist talents in multiple mediums/nonviolent spiritual warfare, Unconditional Love, etc.) It’s not a savior complex if you know it’s not your job to save the world- just to shine a light for those within your reach that are awake to see it and to empower them to do the same if they’re willing to learn- ripple effect.

Some of y’all look at me as inadequate (ie even my own father) in 3D reality cuz I took time to discover my magic and talent thru art, rather than conform to the matrix of white supremacy and therefore may not be as advanced monetarily.๐Ÿคจ

 I’m like- riiiiiiight. At least I have and understand my Destiny. I’m freer in ways that you can’t even imagine. I’m.Fucking.Brilliant.A.Divinely.Creative.Genius.


Also a prophet/oracle.

I share the thrown for I’m an extension of the divine.

Come at me bruh.๐Ÿ˜Ž

Somewhere early in life, someone stole your belief in magic and gave you religion. I’m here to fix that.๐Ÿฆ„๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ”ฎ

So, magic isn’t real?

But, yet yall believe a nigga returning from the grave??? ๐Ÿค”

And please don’t tell me I don’t understand faith cuz i dont have relationship๐Ÿ˜’ and ultimately that I’m ignorant and closed minded… don’t waste your breath tryna flip the script. I see you. ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€

I’d interpret easter for yall and how “resurrection” is an analogy/metaphor, but yall narrow minded delusional/NotCreative assholes take it literally, while desperate for something to believe in, you inadvertently develop Tourette’s in your exclamation of “faith…”

Well, so try me if u want too…

Long story short, it means: YOU are the Resurrection. EACH OF US ARE A beautifully unique extension of the great DIVINE. LITERALLY in 3D reality no one returns from death- The ONLY Zombies that truly exist are my interpretation of you dumbass sheeple, sheeple blind and asleep to your own spiritual wholeness and value and doesnโ€™t seek external religious/societal validation from white supremacist Jesus or any blackface extensions of.

And as we discussed, we understand that being jesus like, or any truly enlightened individual, and bringing heaven to the current moment is being our brother’s keeper.

Also my besties says another resurrection interpretation could be dying and him talking u into his arms… I can accept that from her perspective.๐Ÿ˜‡

Damn. I wasn’t gonna break yall down today, really i didn’t even know it was easter. I didn’t come here to type this. Really. Shit. Happy Easter, Love Yall.

Psychedelic Soul Food!


 (The heart eyes are from where i sent this to my blood brother, but of course YOU can have some too)๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Love yall.

As Clark Kent is Superman, I am a Psychedelic Superhero!!!! No lie, thanks to your unwavering support!!!Image may contain: 4 people, people standingImage

This one’s just for bragging rights, and to piss off sheeple… like icing to the psychedelic cake!


One of the beautiful things about all my prophetic verses is that they all have my special unique signature on them, my voice. My work can never be stolen, because I firmly believe that fuck and other swear words are of mandatory usage & adds JUST enough emphasis against sheeple- stubborn closeminded cognitive dissonanced fucking stupid ass punk bitch zombie muthafuckas like YOU!- Y’all see how that works?๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฟ

My job is to motivate and inspire thru hook or crook. Tough Love on you hoes.

Giving God all the glory yall!

Everyone bow yalls heads…

God I thank you so fucking much Lord, thank you so much for not making me like all these other stupid ass aint shit niggas.๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜„Please Lord, remind all these lowlife bottomfeeding assholes and limpdick wafflecunts not to try me, cuz I def aint da one.๐Ÿ˜‘ Thanks for the wisdom and hoes, Lord…. for the super powers & all the fellatio.๐Ÿ˜ Amen.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฟ

…oh, and for the occasional anal.๐Ÿ˜Œ

…for being so beautifully handsome that none these pussyass dickriders EVER really had a chance.๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿ‘‘

…oh yea, and for not having any fucking kids.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ™Œ

 … and also the inches.๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฟ

 It’s a joke niggas, calm the fuck down. Blasphemy? What did I offend your fakeass god?

Chill the fuck out. Sheesh.

Yall this is only going to get *better* as I get older and lose all my fucks to give… cuz I already can’t seem to find one when I’m told i need one…โ˜บthis shit’s gnna snowball- watch. ๐Ÿ˜…โ˜ป

Creatively Crazy vs. Destructively Crazy.


My track record speaks for itself.๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฟ ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿฟ
Fuck All Yall!

Craz(ier) Story:

So yall know I got this new job at new years, right?.. So I work for a MAJOR company all yall niggas know, but I aint telling yall bitchass niggas cuz yall jealous hoes will try n fuck my shit up. Nope. Psychic. So anyway, tell me why I accidently discovered and articulated our society’s learning curve… and inadvertently revealed all of their faulty ass (yet typical) training. Duh. Ultimately yall know I’m a problem solver on all levels… so i sensed my own lack of training and fixed it… and unknowingly yet tactfully articulated to all my bosses, in a meeting, on behalf of coworkers/everyone in the world ๐ŸŒŽthe problem and solution to fixing their broke ass wack ass shit…..
๐Ÿ˜ฎOops. Now, somehow I gotta remain humble and act like I aint dat nigga….

All these random coworkers sayin dey love me n shit, n I’m like of course u do eryone likes being free.๐Ÿ˜

Yall hoes betta catch on n run wit dis shit…. u can lead a horse to water…๐Ÿด ๐ŸคŽ


EDIT: OK, yall niggas still don’t believe me.. yall think I’m tryna validate my sanity instead of actually tryna help u stubborn asses as God requires. NNNNNNOOOOOOOOO NNNNNNIIIIGGGGAAAASSSS. Yall hatin ass hoes, STILL after all these years… I hate yall… Gimme my damn respect. Not even sayin please.


Presenting to all you salty muthafuckas:

The Learning Curve: “look this whole “try and find it first” thing is a nice theory, but ultimately it’s condescending and a waste of valuable time- because time is of the essence….

 First as a newbie, there’s creating and (1) developing a SCOPE of the job itself, making something from nothing- Like the edges/frame of a jigsaw puzzle and grouping like colors.

THEN, there’s the ideal pseudo-start of (2) learning “the basics” functions (Refine and detailing the Scope.)- Filling in additional pieces that match to complete the picture the problem is that 1) being expected to do both simultaneously- or 2) the absurdity of an expectation to complete the puzzle by some else’s standard, especially if we all learn differently. That’s like just randomly picking up puzzle pieces forcing them together hoping they match…

then to magnify that problem is the learning curve repetition factor, which magnifies exponentially without a scope/frame.

But the pretentious assumption that we “should know” or the insulting implication that we haven’t tried before asking more seasoned veterans must cease if we’re to be efficient and successful as a team. So, if you want to help us, yourself and the team, please directly answer our questions and QUICKLY refresh us on where to find it. Thanks!

I’m not slow, I’m thorough.

 Also, brilliant fyi.

The reason for my speech impediment/stutter is because my brain has to have the time and energy to tackle all dimensions and perspectives of a particular issue.

Just wait until I figure out the rest of this job yโ€™allโ€

Yes, I sent this email to ALL parties involved, with 4 other emails full of solutions. My Mother, Lisa, taught me how to assemble jigsaw puzzles, so she is accredited to this discovery. I was gonna keep today’s discovery from yall jealous cunts, but ultimately, I know u can’t produce more.



I just realized, yall prolly think I’m on all types of drugs by now….
Ask my friends in real life- I’m not… Nope. Not in the least. Never in the least… just intensely creative and therefore divinely favored
Shhhhiiiittt, dafuq yall thought!

๐Ÿฆ„๐Ÿ”ฎSpell worked. Suddenly my relationship of 2 years reappeared

 ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿ˜’I brewed this potion for like 2-3 weeks y’all. Cast it tonight. And POOF! Instantly, my out-of-town (ex?) lover is magically at my door 15 mins later.

 Know your worth and power folks, that’s all I gotta say. Good thing about being a psychic, is I’m already about 2 weeks ahead and have mapped out their responses… u gon learn today.

It’s all love and they know it, but the reality check and culture shock can be just as painful as anything evil.

Like, just cuz I’m submissive to keep peace, and enjoy pleasing and catering to my lover, doesn’t mean I should be taken advantage of, underestimated, my kindness for weakness. I’ve just been being nice, but my patience has worn thin after 2 years…. so here we are.

Been cursing out my father the past few hours. It’s not disrespectful, just the deepest passion and therefore intensity. The multidimensional perspective of a brilliant radically progressive genius (exponential crazy) vs. The narrow scope of a stubborn socially conditioned old man (normalized crazy.)

Plus, the fallacy of black parents is that they view correcting them as disrespectful, and I hold my family to a far higher standard plus it insults my intelligence and ultimately only makes me lose my shit.๐Ÿ˜ Tough love.

Long story short- The problem is that my father deflects and doesn’t take responsibility for his crazy, yet I’m fully comfortable with mine. Therefore, he discounts all my superhero brilliance as “really crazy” (amongst other things) and therefore discounts my entire identity, then proceeds to apply his own life decisions as best practice for my own. That shit๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ 

Don’t say you love and accept me completely but discount my entire existence simultaneously. That’s emotional abuse and manipulative hypocrisy. My father’s platonic (ya nasties) love and support is the greatest I’ve ever directly experienced, just often subconsciously wrapped in stigma, or a passive judgmental fallacy. But I have zero patience for judgmental bullshit, esp from those that say they love and support me.๐Ÿ˜  So.๐Ÿ˜ Off.๐Ÿ˜ I.๐Ÿ˜ Go.

I told him, Imma audio record our convos for yall one day if I’m lucky. Yall wont believe your ears. There’s nothing like candid realness with your bestfriend. Still unnecessary bullshit tho, and distracting and counterproductive to the unconditional support he’s provided and my ultimate success- which he says as a father is all he wants.

Not that i owe yall an explaination about such a personal relationship. But, the entire premise is that real love is eternal the love is so deep i can say anything i fucking want as a joke, or to get your goddamn fuckin attention. Be jealous, you’ll never have this level of understanding with your parents. I often tell him if he continues to aggravate and annoy the fuck outta me with his incessant bullshit, Imma still be goin at his funeral and most likely out of respect I’ll wait until he’s dead to beat the fuck out of his corpse… a vivid detailed analogy for emphasis… (Truth is Imma be a barely functioning mess cause Iโ€™ve had lost the bestfriend I’ve ever had- and we both know it cuz i luh dat nigga- so i make twisted jokes bout the extreme opposite end of the spectrum.)

So yea, with the way my crazy ass been yellin at that stubborn ass nigga, I’m surprised my neighbors haven’t called the police- ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฟโ€โ™‚๏ธHe kindly took me grocery shopping today, cuz i dont drive. Y’all I used 7 different personalities to read that nigga up and down. He started it, i finished it.๐Ÿ˜…

We’re fine, always will be. Yโ€™all, unconditional love is intense.


Daddy’s Boy. Love ya Pops. Always will.๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ˜

Practical Savior Complex

Yall wunna kno why I’m “crazy???”

ImageImageCuz I must be mentally/emotionally tougher than any and all situations…. cuz even when yall attack me for being a minority, maybe submissive in my relationships, or the step-rainbow-psychedelic-child in my father’s family, or being black in America, or Non-Christian, or beyond… yall niggas attack me on ALL levels….

…ultimately, I still love yall…

And if that does not make me a Saint Angel Magic Unicorn Fairy Superhero Psychic

… yall makin me cry again…

(Egoic/White/โ€Right-โ€-but-Wrong Savior complex vs. MY/Our/Correct Light House โ€œsaviorโ€ complex.)

This means that I am NOT โ€œThe Oneโ€ to save anyone but myselfโ€ฆ I am merely a bright light house in the dark to help guide those along their way.


I am Charles William Smith III, aka โ€œTreyโ€

I am named after my grandfather Charles William Smith Sr.
I am also named after my father Charles William Smith Jr.
I am the 3rd generation of my linage to command such a legacy.
Through my heritage, I AM A DIRECT EXTENSION OF




Mind, Body, Spirit (Exponentially Heightened emotion)/Soul (darkness is a gift โ€ฆdepth and morals and pain into lesson.)