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Magnificent Disclaimer

Hey World,

            Please remember that I do not own or lay claim to any of the written works, photographs, or graphics I have collected and shared from various sources around the internet. I believe the World Wide Web to be of “Free Domain,” and if any of the images shared here are copyrights, I apologize and assure you that infringement is not my intent.

The thoughts, beliefs and ideas expressed are in no way intended to offend anyone. These are only pieces of an ever-growing puzzle that is my mind, and any words spoken are to be edited and critiqued in the future for they reflect my own experience and I have no ill-intentions behind them.

            I am not perfect; therefore, I reserve the right to be wrong. In no way do I believe I have all the answers, I simply use experience, intuition and logic to predict & draw conclusions. If a person is to be effective, they are going to be controversial.


            Warning: This book may be hazardous to closed minds. You’re either going to need therapy or feel like you just had the greatest therapy session ever after reading this book. Such alternate realities could be disregarded and chalked-up as non-sensible gibberish to the analytical minded. I’d rather have a mind opened by wonder than closed by belief. Open your mind before your mouth. If what I say offends you, imagine what I don’t say.

The worst part of censorship is $#@@%^ @#$R$%!!!!!

            Maybe, just maybe, this is my call to create change. Maybe by typing these words I can improve someone else’s life. So, if ridicule is inevitable and martyrdom a possible fate due to opinion, then let my existence not be in vain, let it help build a better tomorrow.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

            If exposure creates change, then expose I must. If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention.

Which would you rather have? A.) Money B.) Sex C.) Love

Trick question: If you chose “Money, Sex, Love.’ then you are trying to satisfy your “Mind, Body and Spirit.” So, create your own answer of all three. D.) All the above.

“All I need is a sheet of paper and something to write with, and then I can turn the world upside down.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Why do you care? Things are fine around here. Why go stir up trouble?”

“Trouble is already here.”- The Help

Divine Introduction: How To Read This Book

When I first heard The United States of America’s Declaration of Independence so adequately state “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that amongst these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” it really hit home. I had to stop and realize that physically, mentally, and spiritually that we are all more similar than we are different. All things are connected. All people are connected. Sometimes people idolize the messenger, or get so caught up in carrying the message, that they never actually hear the message.

Following each chapter are mantras to go along with the topic that can be used for meditation, recited throughout the day, posted on sticky notes in visible places or any other creative way for you to bring them into your personal world. Mantra means “mind wave” Just as a sound wave can hit your ears and create a lasting impression on your mood, so too can the application of a mantra to your experience change the way you perceive that experience.


Although this book is formatted and organized in a certain order, this book is meant to connect with the reader on a personal level. So, if after reading the table of contents you decide that one topic in particular resonates more with your current experience, then feel free to jump to that chapter and start reading there. Each chapter contains a summary of my experience with the subject and what I learned from it, followed by mantras to help you affirm the lessons learned in your life. It finishes with a list of quotes relating to the subject. This helps you see what other people have discovered about these topics and how they inspire them.

Judgmental ingrates that are seeking problems will surely find them! Those expecting traditional verse from a nontraditional thinker shall be disappointed. When focusing on surface errors and not seeing beyond, be fore-warned to not miss the meaning behind the message.

“I rewrite the story of my life to make it far more a love story. I want scenes jam packed with loving words, loving actions, and all things bright and beautiful and joyful and ecstatic. Yes, my life story is a love story. And so is yours… and yours… and yours!” – Nick Ralls

“This universal consciousness that some may call “God” is not a separate, superior and condemning entity as most religious institutions claim. It is in fact the essence of who we really are – which is an all-knowing source that is of unconditional love.” – Anonymous

Life is a team effort; we all have to do our part.

TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More

One Love.

            The Internet seems to be a place for the collision of our collective minds and imaginations, otherwise known as Mother Earth’s memory bank. The memories shared will inevitably link our souls. Therefore, I offer various shades of my soul as a commemoration to those of the past and as an opportunity to affect others, both present and future. With each encounter hopefully there will be a mutual exchange of knowledge evolving our way of life.

I hope that examples of my own trials and tribulations will ultimately teach people to see a pragmatically optimistic side of life and to live by the golden rule: Treat others as you’d want to be treated.

“What most of the men soon came to understand themselves, was that all they had was each other. If they were going to pull out of such desperate straits, their only hope was to pull together.” – George Barna

Live united.

It is when we become rushed by everyday distractions that we neglect our most intimate thoughts and desires. We tend to cram and accelerate the more tired we get. This inhibits our ability to think as individuals. We become zombies. We forget our humanity. We therefore tend to make rash decisions on our own possibilities and the possibilities of the world around us.


Live SIMPLY, so that others may simply LIVE. *The pursuit of excessive money can be a distraction* For fast-acting relief, try slowing down and reflecting. I suggest that you stop for at least 3 hours every day and do nothing but meditate, breathe deeply, stretch, relax, dance, sing or any activity that allows you to pull your mind away from your harshest critic…YOURSELF! This introspection will bring internal serenity and will allow for you to notice beauty, trends and patterns of life in people, places and things that you would normally overlook. Noticing patterns enables deeper thinking. There are no coincidences in spirituality, only synchronicity because all things are connected, and systems of energy contain no garbage. The third law of physics is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means, as Carl Sagan said, “Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.”

You have the power to change the world one random act of kindness at a time.

In serving each other we become free.

“As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

– Marianne Williamson