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The Universe Within

A Unicorn’s Manual


Charles Smith III

Formatted and Edited by Paul Millage

Cover Art Illustrated by Anna Jackson

Unicorn: an abstract variable for any marginalized demographic of society.

Dedicated to my mother, and anyone who has ever felt lost, insecure or inadequate.

I hope this helps.

Kings and Queens –ALL of us.

Joy comes from within.

Acknowledgments and Special Thanks

This is a satirical conglomerate of affirmations, mantras, quotation, and spiritual intermediary interpretation. A multidimensional prismatic explanation of existence. A wizard’s spell book. A divine hodgepodge with a sporadic all-inclusive element of tangentiality; just like the absurdity of articulating the great divine.

You will notice numerous quotes throughout these pages. It’s my way of paying tribute and homage to the greats who have come before me. I believe the divine lives within and speaks through each of us. I piece together different ideas to find common truths, therefore creating a larger, more beautiful reality. I offer up a unified voice throughout existence stitched together by a common thread of destiny called love. A cosmic game of “connect the dots.” I invite the reader to inquire and support the plethora of artists I’ve paid homage to, for if I’ve seen further it’s because I’ve stood on the shoulders of giants. I ask that you embrace these words until they are fully understood, and if you find inspiration please tell someone new. Pass it on. Pay it forward.

            Thank you to all the anonymous artists who’ve helped make The Universe Within possible. Although I am grateful for the quotes, or “patches,” I am the quilt maker. The research and organization is all my own time and effort. I stitched this masterpiece. One may consider and describe my efforts as dream weaving. No coincidences, only synchronicity.

“Bad critics judge a work of art by comparing it to preexisting theories. They always go wrong when confronted with a masterpiece because masterpieces make their own rules.” – Robert Wilson

Dear Grammar Nazis,

“I use words like ‘yall,’ ‘ryte’ and ‘[thot]’ because I don’t associate my intelligence with my use of colloquial euphemisms. [Slang and] Ebonics [are] cultural, not remedial.”- Nia S. Vaughn

The sole purpose of language is to communicate effectively, so purporting one form of English as elite is inherently oppressive. There’s a difference between understanding standard grammar and demanding it. Your patronizing, pretentious and condescending tone says more about your character flaws and inflated sense of self-worth than anything. Your classist attitude is merely the remanence of a pseudo-intellectual lacking in self-esteem.


I build beanstalks and I am a sculptor of thought patterns.

The following collection of writing is a daring and progressively bold bohemian counter cultural perspective. An inspirationally controversial and intimate journal that bursts into a vast array of color and multidimensional understanding. May this book guide you to an enlightened world where creativity, imagination, & unconditional love reign supreme. We shall cover a vast array of divinely inspired subject matter including: Confidence, Friendship, Work & Success, Wealth, and God, stitched together with the gentle eco-friendly intent of Mother-nature. 

            Furthermore, we will be elaborating on human error and the ignorance perpetuated from commonly misunderstood, timeless generational issues ingrained within the collective consciousness.

            Also, on the opposite side of the perspective we will analyze the value of self-preserving bigotry. Read along and join The Universe Within as the self boldly soars through the depths of despair & destruction to a higher redefined plane of freedom for all to embrace. You think you know, but you have no idea!

 Who am I?

“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.” – Joseph Campbell

Anything, everything, and nothing are all parallel universes to numerous inter-dimensional tangible realities. Coming into this understanding helps with our pursuit of destiny.

            It is difficult to realize sometimes that a person’s whole manner of living can be changed by one book. I decided to write the book that could change my whole life and might contain the power to do the same for others as well. I do not know much. Yet, I do know what I perceive, what I feel deep within my spirit and my intent. I can explain my observations to you, but I can’t understand them for you. The ONLY way you’re going to understand this stuff is if you practice it and seek learning through experience.